Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Is Rosie Engaged?

There's no official word yet, but rumour has it British VS and Burberry model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is engaged to boyfriend of just over a year Tyrone Wood. The pair have been spotted looking super cosy the last few weeks, with Rosie sporting a very large diamond ring on that oh so special finger....congrats to them if they are!


Anonymous said...

I am happy for her but also sad to see another beautiful woman taken off ther market. Not that I had a chance.

Maxim Model Jody Palmer said...

Is there a latest news about them?

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

model_de said...

Congrats to them

Chris said...

She wasn't an lucky in the passsed few years so I hope she found the right one finally. Chris

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John said...

Rosie is dating Jason Statham! She said so on Ellen.

CatwalkRunner said...

Wow! I was suprised when I first found out she was dating Jason statham. Now they might be engaded? Wowza! I really like your blog!!! Will you follow mine?